Obam announce more products to their range

Obam are delighted to announce their association with 2 new products to complement their existing range.

DSC_0447   Happy Legs

Firstly, we have The StairSteady which is an adapted handrail system to assist people up and down their stairs. Designed to help people who don’t yet require a Stairlift or are going through rehabilitation/physio, The StairSteady provides a cost-effective option to aid you with your needs.

Secondly, we have the Happy Legs system. This has been designed to help people exercise their legs without actually having to go outside to walk. A very simple machine, by using it for only 3o minutes a day, your circulation can improve and extra benefits that come from moving instead of being sedentary. For more information on both products, please go to the “Others” section and see the product details listed there.

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