May ’15 – New website design given the green light. This will hopefully be easier to navigate and work in conjunction with our Facebook and Twitter pages. More info about this to come in June.
June ’15 – New website design underway. We are now offering a simpler, easy-to-navigate website that will enable you to find what you’re after quicker and easier. We are also offering more of a range of products and some are now available to buy via our e-commerce facility too!
June ’15 – Attended the opening of the new Independent Living Centre facility at the Princess Diana Hospital in Grimsby. Obam have provided a broad range of the equipment on display there (stairlift, through-floor lift, hoist and ramp) and will have our brochures/info in the reception area for people to read/takeaway. We will also be working closely with them to help provide the right solutions for the people that attend there.
June ’15 – Attended the Mobility Roadshow at Donington Park (26th June).