Later Life Matters Conference

Table of Contents

On Monday 29th February, Obam’s Sales Manager – Mark Buckley and our new sales executive – Libby Gault, attended a conference at the Central Hall Westminster about why “Later Life Matters”. Hosted by MHA (the Methodist Homes Association) it discussed all elements of later life and how we can help people in their older years. This covered everything from adaptations & home improvements to social care, friendship and Silver Line (the Esther Rantzen-formed helpline for older people) and many other areas.

A broad spectrum of attendees debated these points and it was very helpful & informative to get different perspectives about how to improve the lives of the older generations.

Listening to the speakers (including Dame Denise Platt, Dame Esther Rantzen and the BBC’s Social Affairs Editor, Alison Holt) certainly made us realise that there is much more than can be done as a society to improve the welfare of the older people in our lives.

We certainly hope that we can utilise the knowledge gained from yesterday’s conference in the way that we work with our customers and improve our services even further.

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